Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 2, 10 January 1890 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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H. B, M. S. Oh.T.Vj>iou is to tbe town by a I\laiual kk t 'Uv»ac. j S«veiA\ p&s3ēag*n> arc oook^; tv> W»ve beiv on lbe M&np****. 1 FiiOiā kiw Ik r»i vlr.*wa foi a hi uk'ij for The »»cn»Wr« Rnspuo CivmpaTty No. 1 viU hoM a exen;ug at th«friit u<e, Ii ai t .?V> c*dcs&. „ The W S. S. Seaate bas coutirme I tlie app >i«t Z saeut of H. W. Srvemn«e aa Cons»ul Oeiu wl ar Houolulu. Be*r Admiml Kit«Wrsj an«l staff offioer, LWnt. Q, A, M»»ni un. Kmw for Sau Fraucisoo ou iiu Aus>tr.tUa. H*ere wīll tw» anuvtingof thv voter? of ihe fourth wai\t who «u>? iu >yuipiitliy v»ith the Kational Keforiu l 4 artv ai t lio oUI Aiuioi)% Qae*?u SN*ttmtay •*« " 'e.^ekThm* sentiug p u 1 frvm tl\o Coa>t tius uioruiug « tib lat<* luu tUe Au»tndia iu, uo AdvAUtagte gaine<l. Tue offioers of Conijv .ny A Houv>lulu Kifles for li» easui»īg ¥*• *r ane lupūmi, C. W. Z<.']g?or;Pīrst liēm«»n:Uīt, I*l H, F. Mak<»r>; >«coud lt«ttteuau! t L B. Tbomas. The mail st?au»er Marijx>sa ig <lut* auy mouKnt fror« tlic (\>louīes eu rxnito to Sau Franciseo. She wfī Uike th* maiU. A b«g of sng%r fi!' on the ear]vnUtof the S. N thb** omitg, dWlocatih£ hk aukle. Ile was tskv i* to īhi' Qu<m?u\* Hovjtttal. A be*utiful illuuiiunknl *t!rtrtess is on cxhib* ition itk th<? wiuvlow of the Haw*iiftu Couiuuiy, M«vliBiut sttwt. It is to to Mr. H. A. M ictk>. Fn?sMeut of tne Kikuea Sugar Couip*iiy on thv oeea»k»u of hi» go} t leu \veddiug t«uiv<?r&«rv, H'l<trv>s il]ummat**d bv |tM4 !*,«•, « īt is with prvton n 1 r* n t tbAt clovnU ]o th«de4Hh of J*me£ Ks\ i ī 1 si>n of Mr 1> ii.ie' Lyotts, Tht- ssv! < v<i * k jJ.iev tvtning M the QiHHn< h .h Ttu p*>or litlW fe'K»w trsts |«M littk over >t\en yek4fs of Hg - Tho feewAvc4 father līas {' t cnttn $\ iv\\\xhx of tiKeoimmi uity | Th« H**-sū»au Hftud giv*»s a puhlie eoiicert at: the Hot«I evt«Mug wilh ihe foliowiiig pix>* : | L Msrvli—Ca.rrj l enhnr'it ?. Overtum—Th« o*th ... Aul»fy , 3. F*n-:*,>ia"-HeraM Aibo U l^ye r 4» Sd<ev īkk 11 —Rknii, W«gucj- 1 Li|H>h-x> MAlaom, Mahioiā! jjgawia!HH. ; J» y - Jh stl un' S -tli - T.= | 5, F»ut&.>iA—Mill tu tht Foiest .... . EilenU rg ' & W*lu— thi YU.lba FoMtft . Strav.xf. 6. G*ki>-F*&ic0*,,............. ..... ,le«ts«r

Tl» AuHmh* hmiiiOil 1.491 tons of univ,u*udi;>v īor this port. A I Liiuil Ariir.eu ou th<? An-'.mliu for the r Offiee. A spto.»my Corap;my «ruvf ' on Cut* AuHtrniia frud v> )l» g ; v« v ?s al tlio u;*ra 2iou»«. ll ī» « Cotup.«nv. Tui* |.»»i.'iM'ugt'rs aiiivtu iu ine Aus- *"*»».»:*«*> tl;īs :»ooa: F. F. T*ostings eud Mrs. F. M. Hateh. ehikl au 1 str▼*nt, M:ss Je-£ ; .e J. nml ■wifc, M.>i. Stiliu;Ru, J. S. Lt>#, J. Ni. Quick. A. F. VJayti, J, i-«. W nglit auo wif« t Ka>.*er "re<-\ -i\ Mrs. Sv i J . ioler, a. Biaek aud wife, K. Iver», H A. HioGm ( A. Youug, tTr. au l wire, Mrs. A. Young aml ehihl, Dr. *Johu Bro lie, Bufus Farker, Faikcr, Kobt. Ha'stead aud wife, Miss B. H&lst<&d, 1 , O. F. Gillard aud wife, Hev. A. N. Fisher, wlfe and ehila, Juo. Sliuer, Atii=» Stt>nuo, W. A. Būiek auu \\iV\ Vr. W. Alīe. , 1\ M. Clark, M, Fmnk and wife, J. Tu,ies aud wif«?, !l;irry Fl ; otid. S. Mamiu, Morris Burns, J, l)q%vuUly, Uewhuul I i|. JL>i\ou miu wit , Geo. Lyeurgu;>. O. A, Steveus, R. JLi. lluuu r, J. B. Gasss <L J\ver aud wife. W. Ccgi>vr<;ll, J. O. eouueiii aud 4o in tiu?