Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 1, 9 Ianuali 1890 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Oahu Dodge No. 1 K. of P. meets this evening at 7[illegible]0 o'clock. The C. S. S. [illegible] Lahaina, Maui, and Hamakua, Hawaii. The mass meeting last evening was the most orderly ever held in Honolulu. The adjourned monthly meeting of Engine Company No. 2 will be held at 7:30 o'clock this evening. The steamer [ILLEGIBLE] tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock for Lahaina, Maui and Hamakua, Hawaii. The acoustic properties of the Honolulu Rifles Armory are bad. It is no place for public speaking. Bumps was at the mass meeting last evening, but Jinks could not be mere as it was prayer meeting night. Captain Walker has bought the Swedish bark Ida for $2,400. He will break her up and go into firewood business. A large number of Portuguese attneded the mass meeting, and took quite an interest in the proceedings. The Boston Ideal Company will arrive on the Australia tomorrow and give a series of perform -ances at the opera house. This week is observed in Honolulu as one of prayed by a religious boy. Dont forget the candidates on the National Reform ticket, brethren! What do you think of the National Reform Part's candidates asked a gentleman of a friend last evening. I think a better selection could not have been made, replied the friend. Normal classes will be opened at the Fort street school tomorrow afternoon at half past 2 o'clock. for the benefit of teachers who desire to attend, and for applicants for teachers places in the public schools. We very much [illegible] the [illegible] of the youngest daughter of Mr. W. H. Cummings. took place yesterday afternoon. The little child was ten months and fifteen days old. This is the second time within a week that death has visited Mr. Cummings house. Much heartfelt sympathy is expressed for him. The Japanese steamship Yamashiro Maru, Capt. C. Young arrived off port Wednesday evening from Yokohama with 1006 Japanese immigrants including 200 women, and 3 steerage passengers. She came into the harbor this morning to land her passengers. The vessed returns to Yokohama next Monday at noon. Business in the Police Court this morning was not very heavy. There wre a couple of drunks who were fined $6. Kui got one hour at hard labor and a fine of &50 for violating the opium laws, while Kahaku was sent to durance vile for three months for stealing a dollar hat.