Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 1, 9 January 1890 — WHO STOLE THAT PLATFORM. [ARTICLE]
The government party claims that the national reform leaders stole the late government platform. Still the intelligent public wishes to known where the government party got its platform, if not front the late misterial statement based upon the people's already well-defined political position. But what is the matter with the government platform now? The platform claimed to have been stolen by the people's national reform party! Are pilfered goods already becoming to burden to the party of "political promises"? If not, what is the meaning of the following circular letter issued to memebers and leaders of the government party yesterday? Honolulu, Han. 8, 1890. Mr. ------ What do you think ought to be the principle topics set forth in the platform of the Reform Party? Please note your suggestions below and retain the same to the Central Committee at the office of W.O Smith, on or before Friday the 10th. Central Committee