Ahailono o ka Lahui, Volume I, Number 1, 9 Ianuali 1890 — NATIONAL REFORM. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


!l «wiiooi io»jjer b* *aut th« * U\» wāl pu'Ui. »3*l vtu tlāVAtt. Our ... ry \>t ihe Iml l»*w y«Ntr> ■ihv»w> & Jh>luka| d« \cU j»«iavi;i. v\ hioh h*s» l*>ett <k UiULUUiaUHI L\U tV iu tlu> yr£aul.iSatiau of t*v> p.»litio4l parties. One b kuowu «a th<» o ! r iW ~ariy « f rv".iewti | j\rv»ai-*t-s; ;!if ; thc x k Ihe lateīy eou- . •. ! Hiu! i> >« gfci i i>u\v of JHH»j»K, whleh pro|*is* na!to.ial ivfvitm ui i>\\ tv dt?jiari' th« j4«*reruuieut. TLo v>v«>fu«ieūt j>atty i*pivseutli cli4«u-s ?*uith»Us, fauiijy vvmjvuM!» «eUUĪAi! o!-;;r.uiA,**tvS 4 s. Tlie NUue.»! lUf\>rm rA)rty nfj>mv*ui* \ritbv»ul aiiKiueuan,, K»tii » 4« . ;..i HU«t jx>!itic;ii -'liwh.. i--*;:;;uj; th«.: n.;ijoiitJ tW kboriag oi weu!lth- r n}ducu>g *-Wiuents j «f lk« kiugdom; i . T" j tit to (ho ti»al orgAni<ui:iou of tht» Xatiouul ? Kef' rm F .r(y, thc* jv.»»īt«o,tl ltght w.is rtndc | fr»m a «h»*en v «lift\ x ivnt corīu?rs- agaiusi former }po]itic;»l iu«?thods. Tl>is h»xvught, tht j jm>stnt j ! j*»verriu*ent pariy uiuU*r ;i ivntr«! cro«>s-tire fat.il- ! | ly pi!Hnj»imd n >t lo !>.• loug withst h»,l, It \v:\s not w.th>UHKl. The £ovcrmr«nt j>uīy 'ea.lei,; Ult Hk u j i\\uiauvs, \\ 'iH'li h;is tk j eu i'uily iuluiia«Hl iu taoir n- >r-k au«l aeii iw. pmnMiunu lea»lers \ W< 11 kliew Uiat thv of tlivil\ J>;U"V Js"'KV • 'h'M? ;;ito iixo paMie j je*i*. The>vtV»ro }v>}joy after j> -?.»\v hns Imui for-1 I iiiubtut! aiut put fer\varit >o ft*4 the juiuHc pal>e. j | >»ich bn; faUel au l u new ;poUt;c;v! j~vrafioa h;ts | oftcn heen ai*.«*e, whieh has hrou£h { s«ocessiTe j ' of pionnses" n|earor aml tht | wauts aull demant!s of the peoj;le. Tho puhlie : k»wever kuew sucu proi«:ses weie and are iuere j j jv>lif;oai Th.e jveople of Hawaii ū. eui taem so at preseat aail —dt trust iheui! At lash hovvever. uie chajicca of t}'c govcmtueut party IH-<\tUH" dea,pci>tc. Its leaikia thorefore de(ermih'nl uuou a l>oht uiovu. They put forth, «s ueariy as ii tj v ' Hcnl!y du<e-.1, a plat form t"Hed w'uh ojijk)si!iou plaukn. Aliuost ev-ry one o? (h«j-se j>lauk- ; ve 1 t be of thwse alrj.u\j sawevl out of Ha\\\tii;iu ;>oluical tiiulH:r by tl'e >f th« jKvpV V m pa ty\ duriug the|>HHt t\*ro yelrj<! V 1U.11» ki 'e l hadiy t> tl>euisc'ves as thoy basv thal uui \ L)latiug iU owu pr\>u.iscs of n>fvnm for Iwo vci>u t ae g < veyumcat pi.r« v now euolly projKved to a<k>|U cs ni«t- -[ ly as j>-.'s.-iUe Ihe ix-ople's platform, aud violnte that, U possib!e, for the uext two vears! Tfcs lin the face of the fact that tue jveople of Hawaii | looke<l in Viiiu for two ye.iK to Ihe govoruI u:Jut party for even ihe begiuuiug of hitherto j t>n>miscd refojpas: | But the peop!«, that mighiy j>o\ver aud natiou|al produdl wrap t >e;l iu oue suniU voixl, \vis*. ly ' that facUo«al fefomk>, hetx;oto»e ; prv>mie*>d, wonlil hcreaft« r be faih;ics, as thev ; have heeu in the past, questious |tv mav!e national !ssucs, to be fought oat l>y | rept\te*ufc»tivc political j>Hitiesi. To ttiis end s!ow | but wntin«al orgau ; *i.tiou had beeu efifecfced.} 1 l'iie resiiH was consuint from (he tu-;st audcsocevl- j e l «sj>wtat-tv>tt. Family race f;tc'ions ! aud rcbi:;o• p>lli:c.;l-eU'uiolU L.; k vo bvjetv, iu a few short U)OiitUs,(Vivea liefore llie jxH>ple'3 uaiioual tefv;ui i*;oveiueut wīiuoui au excej«t?on. The t;ght has at times l>eeu very bit t er aud sojnetirues 1 too Oj>uuly j>ersoual. But th-a w;v> resnU o? our jjbllīical couditiou, ag oatofj our poliUeai Tlu s »od n . howevtr, ] lias jt;stified the meaus. l'ehuea: oli.'aiiou? ' has l'ieen teached t> au estcut on .1. «.)vcrameat I si>ie ;sud thoi\>;?galy ou sīJe «• uīoual re-! fom. jvirt \' | In view of Hs pa<t recor '. tho goverumeiit party, l>v t!te '..alioual u.'oi ji p\ • *rm .is nearly as its lea\ets dared, have : ;U;.*ly pui on it> side o;it of :> «ight. The t t ' u v lual ;a ;*.,apti: ich a plātf> iu the i»ov .«p.\. y vio; , tU priu~ ci| I sof its tvvs>r' .t»ul ef iii iudn membere. | As a ; .i-ty i'a»g ♦ i-um-nt must iv;^ a- i; .> m.i"iu< . uu.h. tV «na.easnre> ' »hv u.a'ua; t<fv>nu jsuty a»; a.ivit&»tel ior « As men tlu j*irt, s »r.»;*-y well l;tbē!ēd » ♦ nu-u wno v» il ,oi * v ;i*;yth:ug, v-* |,-.»r.y.of pio"ui»se.% * j oi as jv»rly and men who \\olate j\.IHH a! pr>n : sc> by iuhei»tance. The jv p!e of thc ktugdom havc callevt f>r naīioml rvf rui. buī ti»' y jwvj»o<e to siH , urv ii ] for thenvs» !v v > {h;§ time. They w:!l at this |>o»iit trn"« u ūhe. * % aie&iure» s * uor "men" liiai !;ave jvo\ « I f.•».>« th«- j\astt Tlu l>atslc is afaready mone tuati ha'.f w.ui by īl.e Puhlie eoiiiiaeiiee, b>th a> t'V the "nnMaiKs" au.i to ihe "mea" to c rry tht v u 5 . mt is thercfore wūleh" &nd hoiits?!v pUad tn tbē pec»>k s a,:tiooal rc'orm pauy. j