Available online: 31 August 1887 - 24 November 1888 (29 issues)
Place of publication: Honolulu, Oʻahu
April 1887
There are no issues in the collection for this month.
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This collection contains various kinds of searchable Hawaiian newspaper text:
Article text: produced most recently, this text is produced as via automatic OCR, including segmenting each newspaper into articles, and each article headline has been corrected by humans. This text is available for all ~69,000 pages in this collection.
Page text: produced at an earlier time, some of this text was produced via automatic OCR (optical character recognition) and some of it was produced by human transcribers directly. This text is divided into pages and is available for ~21,000 pages out of the total of ~69,000 pages in this collection.
Article titles: includes only article titles, and not article text.
Article translations: some articles have been translated, this is the text of those translations.
Dedication text: This text was added by people who transcribed Page text as a dedication for their transcription work.